Enerji - Sayfa 2

What energy transformation occurs when gasoline is burn?
What type of energy transformation occurs when an object is burned? Changing Energy When fossil fuels are burned, the chemical energy changes to therm...
enerji zinciri nedir?
Bir enerji zinciri nasıl çalışır?? Enerji zincirleri (enerji tedarik zincirleri, e-zincirler olarak da adlandırılır) mekanik makine elemanlarıdır. En ...
Enerji dönüşümünün olduğuna dair 5 kanıt nedir??
5 enerji dönüşümü nedir? Elektrik jeneratörü (Kinetik enerji veya Mekanik iş → Elektrik enerjisi) Yakıt hücreleri (Kimyasal enerji → Elektrik enerjisi...
The exhaust from a car contains energy that cannot be used. scientists often refer to this energy that cannot be used as waste energy?
What energy conversion occurs in a car's engine? When gasoline burns in a car engine, some of the chemical energy in the gasoline is converted into he...
What type of energy does a car have going 50 mph?
What type of energy is a car going 50 mph? Let's start moving our car with its 4,409-pound mass (m) and apply force to it so that it reaches a speed o...
How does the petrol came originally from energy from the sun?
How is the sun's energy essential for petrol? The sun is a clean and inexhaustible source of energy. ... The new procedure uses the sun's thermal ener...
Which of these has the most kinetic energy of a baby stroller semi truck and a car?
Which has more kinetic energy a semi truck or a car? The answer is semi-truck because its mass is higher than a car and has the same speed. Therefore ...
How do engines lose energy to the environment?
Are engines bad for the environment? The pollutants in engine emissions from vehicles and lawn equipment cause damage to lung tissue and can lead to a...
Which form of energy does a car's engine convert into mechanical energy?
Is a car engine mechanical energy? The engine converts various forms of fuels into mechanical force, while the motor transforms electrical energy into...
How does the law of conservation of energy hold true for both endothermic and exothermic reactions?
How does energy change in endothermic and exothermic reactions? In exothermic reactions, more energy is released when the bonds are formed in the prod...
What type of energy is gasoline?
Is gasoline a kinetic energy? There are 5 types of Kinetic Energy Things like batteries, gasoline and other fuel sources, and even food all store chem...
What should a student use to describe a car motion?
Which term describes the energy an object has because of its motion? Kinetic energy is a form of energy that an object or a particle has by reason of ...